Our client specializes in providing crematory services to funeral homes. To streamline their business operations and enhance communication between the two parties, we developed an API-driven web application. This intuitive portal facilitates seamless interaction between funeral homes and LV Crematory admins, bringing the entire business process online for increased efficiency and convenience.
October 2022
LV Crematory
Project Type
User-friendly Web Application
6-8 Months
To ensure the successful launch of this project, we have
used the following robust native technology stack: Vue jS,
PHP, Kotlin, Swift, AWS, HTML, CSS and MongoDB, among
others. For fast deployment, Docker was implemented to
ensure collaboration, modularity, and scaling.
We took care of this project from scratch, starting from an intuitive UI/UX on Figma and
then pushing it to pixel-perfect front end using React js, developing a sound backend
using PHP, and finally deploying it on the server to successfully launch it.